hi, i'm io. welcome to my humble web site. here's where i scatter detritus from all corners of my life.

i am allegedly occasionally an artist, and i take photographs of things and am trying to make games.

thank you for visiting my homepage and feel free to check out the links in the sidebar if you wish.

recently updated:

6.18.24 - still not dead. renamed site, remade homepage.

11.9.23 - not dead, just busy... updated webring button.

7.4.23 - added art page.

1.4.23 - added photography page.

22.3.23 - added collection page. updated links

17.2.23 - completely redid homepage. added secondlife page.


add a section with oc profiles.

finish rpg maker engine page.

finish denpa genre page.

update tea diary and relink it.